Thursday, March 6, 2008


On page 297
Kirsteva says that not only do women inhabit various subject positions, but "a new symobolic space and new subject position is open itself up for them." (Hmmm. Opening itself up? Or being opened by them. Agency!)
This new generation of feminists "seek to reconcile the linear time of history and politics with the cyclical gestation time of motherhood." They are trying to "intermingle motherhood (and difference) with the politics of equality and the symbolic order."
So, dissertation idea- get pregnant, and have a baby.
I'm already a mother, but in many ways I am not because I have to live within these two different spaces- professional woman and mother. While the first impedes often on the second (and is expected to) the second is not supposed to interfere with the first. However, some women do this by taking baby with them to professional arenas, breastfeeding in meetings, and the like.
My doctoral defence would require breastfeeding the child during the defense itself, or, at a minimum, bringing the child, in fact, all three children, with me to the defense.

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