Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Identity is an emotionally charged discursive description of ourselves-
I took on the role of mother physically when Leila was born (five years ago yesterday), but it is only part of who I am. The secretary at work, who knew me pre-, embraced this part of me and ignored the rest. It through me off. She was saying the wrong lines for the work stage, forcing me into playing a role for another stage.
It still isn't natural for me- sometimes I wonder who these children's mother is- because I step out of the mother role frequently. I thought it was automatic- the baby would be born and presto, I would feel like a mom. It hadn't happened during pregnancy, so I thought it must happen when I pushed the little tadpole out. I'm rarely around other moms as moms, and I don't really relate to other people that way. Perhaps being around other moms would create a discourse in which I would be recreated as mom.
We need friends who relate to us on a variety of levels, who see our entire spectrum to help create us as whole people. Integrity.

1 comment:

Sharoon Sunny said...

You rock!!!! I totally agree with you.